Bappenas Invites Academic Community to Utilize SDGs Centre Network to Achieve 2030 Goals

JAKARTA – As the coordinator for implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas encourages the academic community to contribute towards achieving the SDGs by 2030, particularly by working with the SDGs Centre Network. 

This multi-stakeholder collaboration forum, involving various stakeholders with universities playing a key role, aims to ensure effective socialization, collaboration, and implementation of sustainable development efforts at both central and local levels. As of May 2024, there are 51 SDGs Centers established across universities throughout Indonesia.

"Universities can serve as centers of excellence to facilitate the implementation of SDGs. This is a strong asset to support stakeholders in various regions," explained the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa during the SDGs Center Conference 2024 in Jakarta on Wednesday (12/6).

The initiative to form the SDGs Center Network began in May 2024 and was part of the 2024 SDGs Center Conference, which included meetings of SDGs Center leaders from various universities in Indonesia. The SDGs Center Network provides a platform for academics across Indonesia to network and build collaborative efforts in the broad, coordinated, efficient, and comprehensive implementation of the SDGs, ensuring the exchange of knowledge and experiences. These efforts aim to foster quality commitments and collaborations for real progress in sustainable development.

"The establishment of Indonesia’s SDGs Center Network will strengthen networking, collaboration, and the role of SDGs Centers throughout Indonesia. Furthermore, through today's SDGs Conference, we hope to build even more collaborations, especially among universities and across sectors," stated Deputy Minister of Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas Vivi Yulaswati.

The awareness to continuously initiate multi-stakeholder collaborations is crucial for achieving the SDGs targets in Indonesia. Government performance must be supported by collaboration across all sectors of society, including academia, as a tangible contribution towards accelerating the achievement of SDGs targets by 2030.

"Today's SDGs Conference is a space for learning, exchanging ideas, and sharing experiences. With strong cooperation, we can achieve the SDGs targets for an inclusive and sustainable future," Minister Suharso concluded.