Promoting SDGs, P4G Awards Scale-Up Funding to Three Innovative Partnerships in Indonesia

Jakarta, Indonesia –- The Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 (P4G) initiative awarded scale-up funding to three public-private partnerships with innovative solutions to advance Indonesia’s top sustainable growth priorities in food, clean energy and circular economy. Throghout 2020, P4G awarded a total of nine partnerships scale-up funding to accelerate their transformative ideas and help countries reach their sustainability objectives and meet their climate ambitions.

“The Government of Indonesia (GoI) appreciated the three selected partnership projects that focus on Indonesia's development priorities. This partnership project is a concrete example of how the government, the private sector, and the community can work collaboratively to help Indonesia achieve Sustainable Development Goals,” Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas also assigned Government of Indonesia’s P4G representative Suharso Monoarfa emphasized. “The Government is pleased to hear the selection of the three new partnerships working on important development priorities in Indonesia. These partnerships are concrete examples on how the government, private sector and civil society can work collaboratively to help Indonesia reach its SDGs and climate goals.” Said Minister of National Development Planning Agency/Bappenas and P4G Board Member Suharso Monoarfa

With the establishment of P4G Indonesia National Platform, Indonesia now has a stronger foundation to support and accelerate the work of these partnerships. Furthermore, Minister Suharso hopes that the support of partnerships would be aligned and could assist the global economic recovery, especially for Indonesia, after Covid-19 pandemic period towards more sustainable and greener economy.

P4G invests in Start-Up (up to $100,000 in funding) and Scale-Up Partnerships (up to $1 million in funding) that provide concrete solutions to deliver economic growth in five Sustainable Development Goal areas, namely food and agriculture, water, energy, cities and the circular economy. The 2020 Scale-Up Partnerships working in Indonesia include:

  • Women’s Livelihood Bond Series: This market based innovative finance solution sets out to mobilize capital for women empowerment. The partnership has been awarded $ 491,000.
  • Halving Food Loss and Waste by Leveraging Economic Systems (FLAWLESS): developing, road testing, and deploying a commercially-viable model which will monetize the benefits of reducing Food Loss and Waste (FLW). The partnership has been awarded $ 826,000.
  • Getting to Zero Coalition: The Getting to Zero Coalition will work toward having commercially viable zero emission deep sea vessels operating by 2030. The partnership has been awarded $ 530,000.

“Through the Low Carbon Development Initiative, Indonesia is charting a path forward for others to follow. We’re pleased to support Indonesia’s economic growth and recovery through a diverse array of 2020 Scale-Up Partnerships. What started as a start-up partnership in Indonesia tackling food loss and waste is now a scale-up through FLAWLESS, a partnership that could help address key food security issues. Through Women’s Livelihood Bond and its delivery of innovative financing models for women, we’re supporting women with access to capital through the COVID-19 recovery and beyond. We look forward to working with the Indonesian National Platform to accelerate these changemakers,” said P4G Global Director Ian de Cruz.

In addition to the 2020 Scale-Up Partnerships, P4G currently invests in seven partnerships working in Indonesia. Further information on all the partnerships is available at


About P4G

P4G – Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 – invests in over 50 public-private partnerships with projects in developing countries. P4G is a collaborative partnership among 12 partner countries: Bangladesh, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, the Netherlands, the Republic of Korea, South Africa and Vietnam. P4G is funded by the governments of Denmark and the Netherlands and hosted at the World Resources Institute. Other partner organizations include C40 Cities, Global Green Growth Institute, International Finance Corporation, United Nations Global Compact and the World Economic Forum.