Bappenas Explores Implementation of Talent Management System with KASN

JAKARTA – The Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, along with representatives from the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN), conducted an in-depth discussion on the request for approval to implement a Talent Management System within the Ministry. 

This is in line with the provisions of the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Number 3 of 2020, which mandates government agencies to implement state worker (ASN) Agency Talent Management. The aim is to support the achievement of the organization's vision, mission, goals, and objectives, as well as its strategy to realize national development priorities.

"Hopefully, by maximizing the use of the information that has been prepared, we can harness the right potential, identify hidden talents, and form a talent pool that not only meets but exceeds our desired expectations and needs," emphasized the Secretary of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Teni Widuriyanti, on Friday, 17 May.

Through the results of the Merit System implementation assessment of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas by KASN in 2023, the Ministry achieved a "VERY GOOD" rating with a score of 380.5. In response to this, the Ministry has prepared a Talent Management System called SIMANTAB, which includes various infrastructures and arrangements such as job maps, job clusters, talent profiles, assessment center results, job competency standards, performance evaluations, career pattern regulations, and more.

"There are several KASN recommendations to improve the implementation of the Merit System in the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, among them being career development, which has a maximum score of 130. We currently score 115 because we do not yet have a talent management system that can develop promotions, transfers, and creative development for individuals within the Ministry," explained Ellis Indrawati, Head of the Human Resources Bureau at the Ministry.

In this meeting, the Ministry also hopes that KASN will consider the readiness to implement the talent management system holistically within the Ministry, especially in the process of filling positions ranging from high leadership positions, administrative positions, to functional positions, taking into account the aspects of qualifications, competencies, and potential development that align with the needs and vision of the organization.