Bappenas Ensures The Blue Economy Is a Priority For Asean Cooperation

BELITUNG – The Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas held the 2023 ASEAN Blue Economy Forum on 2-4 July 2023 in Belitung, which discussed the importance of the blue economy as one of the priorities for ASEAN cooperation. 

The blue economy is an effort to optimize economic growth originating from the utilization of marine resources in an inclusive and sustainable manner, to support the preservation of the ocean and its supporting ecosystems. 

The Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa communicated Indonesia’s staunch commitment to realizing the ASEAN Blue Economy Framework as one of the priority economic deliverables of Indonesia’s 2023 ASEAN Chairmanship. 

“The blue economy has great potential in the ASEAN region, because more than 66% of the area in the Southeast Asian region is comprised of ocean. There is no doubt that the blue economy has the potential to become a new engine for ASEAN development,” Minister Suharso said during his remarks at the Forum on Monday (3/7).

The transition to a blue economy is a new opportunity to increase GDP growth in order to overcome the inherent middle-income status of several ASEAN countries. The blue economy also simultaneously supports the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). 

Minister Suharso emphasized that the Belitung agenda aims to be an important milestone in the development of the ASEAN Blue Economy Framework. 

“The ASEAN Blue Economy Forum aims to become a platform to discuss good practices, challenges, and efforts of ASEAN members to support the implementation of the blue economy,” the Minister added. 

In line with Indonesia’s goal to implement a blue economy, the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas also launched the Indonesia Blue Economy Roadmap, a guideline for implementing a more competitive, innovative, sustainable, and inclusive blue economy. 

“We believe that the blue economy will become a new source of growth for Indonesia to achieve the Indonesia 2045 Vision. With a blue economy that is based on knowledge and research, we will be able to create socio-economic prosperity, ensure healthy marine areas, and strengthen resilience for current and future generations,” Minister Suharso said.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas’ Deputy of Economic Affairs Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti noted that Indonesia’s 2023 ASEAN Chairmanship places Indonesia as a leader in ensuring the development and implementation of a blue economy. 

“We take advantage of the ASEAN Blue Economy Forum as an opportunity to have a good impact on the future of ASEAN by sharing good practices, experiences, and building stronger cooperation. I believe ASEAN can become a driver of positive change for the Southeast Asian region for a more sustainable future,” concluded Deputy Amalia.