HLF MSP 2024 To Accelerate Efforts in Achieving Golden Indonesia 2045 Vision

Jakarta, 21 Agustus 2024 – Indonesia will host the 2024 High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF MSP), which will take place in Bali from 1-3 September, 2024. The forum represents Indonesia's concrete effort to encourage the world to develop solutions in addressing increasingly complex global problems.

Bogat Widyatmoko, the Deputy for Politics, Law, Defense, and Security at the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, explained on Wednesday (21/8) that the forum is a strategic initiative to tackle three major global issues: global polycrisis, the weakening of multilateralism, and the impact of the global pandemic.

“The 2024 HLF MSP serves as a platform to respond to various global crises that have widened the development gap between countries in the Global South and North and slowed the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” said Deputy Bogat.

He also emphasized that Indonesia is strongly committed to promoting global solidarity while accelerating the achievement of the Vision Indonesia Emas 2045 through innovative and transformative multi-stakeholder partnerships.

The three key discussion focuses at the HLF MSP include:

  1. Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships for Strengthening South-South and Triangular Cooperation, which involves cross-country partnerships that strengthen South-South and Triangular cooperation to create joint solutions in facing global challenges.
  2. Enhancing Welfare and Sustainability through a Sustainable Economy, which aims to formulate collaborative strategies to improve welfare and sustainability through a sustainable economy, with an emphasis on the importance of integrating environmental considerations into economic development.
  3. Advancing Development through Innovative Financing, which focuses on promoting development through innovative financing, a key factor in effectively achieving sustainable development goals.

The event would serve as a catalyst for international initiatives aimed at bringing about systemic change through inclusive partnerships. It is predicted that trade and investment from the Bali summit will spur growth, especially in emerging nations. It is also anticipated that the talks at HLF MSP 2024 would expand chances and make new technologies more accessible, which will boost economic productivity and efficiency in the integration of global trade.

These actions are believed to help boost Indonesia's role in narrowing the development gap between countries and accelerating the achievement of the 2030 SDGs.