Bappenas Inaugurates 17 Primary High Officials for RPJPN and IKN Affairs

JAKARTA – The Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Suharso Monoarfa, inaugurated 17 High-ranking Officials of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas for the 2024 period, through an open selection, rotation, and mutation mechanism. 

The inauguration is crucial for the role of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas in formulating the 2025-2045 National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) to achieve the Golden Indonesia 2045 Vision, which aims to achieve the goal of Indonesia becoming a Sovereign, Advanced, and Sustainable Archipelagic State. 

"The decision for the rotation or mutation of high-ranking officials every five years is also aimed at enhancing collaboration, sharpening leadership, and maintaining competence so that each official can perform their functions effectively," said Minister Suharso.

In addition to the preparation of the 2025-2045 RPJPN, this inauguration is also part of the Ministry’s preparation to relocate its State Civil Apparatus (ASN) workers to the new national capital, Nusantara, as well as a way to finalize the 2025-2029 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) drafting. 

Minister Suharso emphasized that the first level of discussions for the 2025-2045 RPJPN will commence soon, while the RPJMN’s Technocratic Draft will be aligned with the vision and mission of the elected president in 2024. "We all must dedicate ourselves to oversee all these important agendas to enhance the quality of development, welcoming the Golden Indonesia 2045 Vision," Minister Suharso expressed.

In addition to the 17 High-ranking Officials, a total of 30 Skilled Financial Functionary Officials of the State Budget (APBN) were also inaugurated. Chosen through an open selection, these officials, who are graduates of the State College of Accountancy (STAN), are tasked with enhancing financial accountability in the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, as well as contributing to the harmonization of the implementation of Government Regulation No. 17/2017 concerning the Synchronization of National Development Planning and Budgeting Processes.

The inaugurated High-ranking Officials are:

  1. Ardian Budhi Nugroho, Head of the Public Relations, Archives, and Administration Bureau
  2. Tirta Sutedjo, Director of Poverty Alleviation and Community Empowerment
  3. Mahatmi P. Saronto, Director of Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises, and Cooperatives Development
  4. Medrilzam, Director of Forestry and Conservation of Water Resources
  5. Nur Hygiawati Rahayu, Director of Employment
  6. Priyanto Rohmattullah, Director of Environmental Affairs
  7. Taufiq Hidayat Putra, Director of Electricity, Telecommunications, and Informatics
  8. Rohmad Supriyadi, Director of Regional Development Monitoring, Evaluation, and Control
  9. Ikhwan Hakim, Director of Housing and Settlement Areas
  10. Tri Dewi Virgiyanti, Director of Transportation
  11. Agustin Arry Yanna, Director of Multilateral Financing
  12. Kurniawan Ariadi, Director of Development Financing
  13. Rd Siliwanti, Director of Bilateral Financing
  14. Rachmat Mardiana, Director of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Transformation
  15. Astri Kusuma Mayasari, Head of Policy and Performance Analysis Center
  16. Ahmad Dading Gunadi, Head of Planning, Organization, and Administration Bureau
  17. Sri Bagus Guritno, Inspector of General Administration