List of Medium-term Planned External Loans and Grants (DRPHLN-JM) 2006-2009 - 2009 3rd Revision

The Blue Book contains projects that have been proposed by ministries, regional government agencies and state owned enterprises. The compilation of the project proposals is part of national development planning in the context of attaining the targets of the RPJMN (National Medium‐Term Development Plan). Out of the total of project proposals that have been received by the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency, only proposals that have been deemed as eligible for being funded by external loans and/or grants and proposals that are in accordance with the direction of national development, will be entered into the Blue Book.

Daftar Rencana Pinjaman dan/atau Hibah Luar Negeri Jangka Menengah (DRPLN-JM) 2006-2009 TA

In order to achieve the effectiveness and efficiency of the utilization of external loans and grants (PHLN), Indonesian Government has issued Government Regulation (PP) No.2/2006 on Procedure for the Provision of External Loans and Grants and the Forwarding of External Loans and Grants (to Local Government and State Owned Enterprise). To implement the regulation, several ministry decrees have been issued such as Decree of the State Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas No. 5/2006 on Procedure for Planning and Submitting Proposals and Assessing Projects that are Funded By External Loans and Grants.

Daftar Rencana Pinjaman dan/atau Hibah Luar Negeri Jangka Menengah (DRPLN-JM) 2006-2009 PA

In order to achieve the effectiveness and efficiency of the utilization of external loans and grants (PHLN), Indonesian Government has issued Government Regulation (PP) No.2/2006 on Procedure for the Provision of External Loans and Grants and the Forwarding of External Loans and Grants (to Local Government and State Owned Enterprise). To implement the regulation, several ministry decrees have been issued such as Decree of the State Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas No. 5/2006 on Procedure for Planning and Submitting Proposals and Assessing Projects that are Funded By External Loans and Grants.