Bappenas Holds Public Consultation for 2025-2029 RPJMN Environmental Strategy Study Development

JAKARTA – The Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas conducted a Public Consultation and Issue Gathering as part of the process of formulating the Strategic Environmental Study (KLHS) for the 2025-2029 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN). Medrilzam, the Director of the Environment at the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, stated that KLHS is crucial to ensure sustainable development that balances economic growth, social welfare, and environmental preservation, and it has become an integral part of development planning and implementation. 

"We cannot overlook environmental issues in the context of future development in RPJMN 2025-2029. Initially, environmental issues were not part of development planning, but now they are an integral part of it," said Medrilzam on Tuesday (12/12). 

As an essential part of RPJMN 2025-2029, KLHS aims to ensure that development planning is in line with the principles of sustainable development, thus realizing the Golden Indonesia 2045, including escaping the middle-income trap and reducing greenhouse gas emissions for net-zero emissions.

The preparation of KLHS for the 2025-2029 RPJMN is divided into four stages. The first stage involves gathering issues related to sustainable development, including the identification and assessment of critical issues. The second stage entails developing models to understand and predict the impacts of various policies and development strategies to formulate and evaluate development scenarios. The third stage involves studying the effects of policies on the environmental carrying capacity and support conditions. Finally, recommendations for long-term policy improvements are formulated based on the results of issue gathering, model development, and the study of policy effects. 

"We are very concerned about the preparation of the 2025-2029 RPJMN because it serves as the initial framework for the 2025-2045 National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) in achieving the Golden Indonesia vision. This determines how we will build the foundation for the acceleration of development, enabling us to achieve the set targets for Indonesia in 2045," expressed Ika Widyawati, the Director of Monitoring, Evaluation, and Control of Sectoral Development at the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas.

At the end of the event, Director Medrilzam mentioned that public consultation regarding KLHS is not sufficient by merely gathering issues. In the future, there is a need for expanded surveys, mapping of root causes, implications, distortions, and projections into the future so that planning can be more comprehensive and dynamic. 

"This KLHS, along with the 2025-2029 RPJMN, will continue to be interconnected so that we can truly better oversee development planning in the future," concluded Medrilzam.