Bappenas Launches New Logo, Welcomes 2025-2045 RPJPN

The Minister of National Development Planning/Bappenas launched the ministry’s new logo on Monday (8/5).

“With this new logo, our spirit is like new. It is an excellent spirit which can really represents our ability to present development plans that are best for the country,” the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa said during the logo launch event.

The new logo, which symbolizes the principles of integrity, vision, and excellence, was chosen from a Logo Designing Competition held by Bappenas which was held between 1 December and 2 May 2023 and drew in 1,329 entries.

Symbolically, Minister Suharso handed out awards and prizes to the finalists, includig first place winner Heri Cahyono, and runners-up Yosia Bagaskara and Budiman Perdiansyah. The selection of the logo involved internal and external judges, namely university professors in the field of fine arts and design such as Trisakti University professor Wegig Murwonugroho, the Chair of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce’s Creative and Digital Economy Standing Committee Ricky Joseph Pesik, Bappenas Main Expert Staff Planner Salusra Widya, Bappenas Director of Planning and Development of National Priority Infrastructure Projects Sumedi Andono Mulyo, and Bappenas’ Coordinator of Public Relations David Tinambunan.

The launch of the new logo is also a moment to welcome the preparation of the 2025-2045 National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN), which will determine Bappenas’ steps in development planning as an extension of the National Medium-Term Working Plan (RPJMN), and the Government Working Plan (RKP).

“Bappenas is carrying out one of the important mandates of the National Development Planning System Law, namely preparing various planning documents both long term and medium term. Of course, in preparing this document, solidity and cooperation from all levels of Bappenas is needed,” explained Bappenas’ Main Secretary Taufik Hanafi.

The 2025-2045 RPJPN will be the basis for changing regulations, policies, laws, and regulations, and the preparation of the RPJMN. “We are compiling something that I think will be a part of history, and hopefully it will produce a guide that really becomes a guideline for all children of the nation and all stakeholders, so that there is a good level of synergy and coherence in carrying out our development planning steps at all points,” Minister Suharso said.