List of Planned Grant Project (DRKH) 2023

Grants, both originating from domestic as well as external sources of fund, are every state revenue in various forms obtained from development partners. Grants is one amongst various sources of development funding with the most flexible characteristic, where there is no requirement for the Goverment to return the given fund, unlike that in foreign loan schemes. According to Article 41 of the Regulation of the Minister for National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency Number 4/2011 concerning Procedure for Planning, Proposing, Assessing, Monitoring, and Evaluation of Projects Financed by External Loan and Grants, Grants must be used to support national development programs, natural disaster resilience, and to perform humanitarian assistance. Grants also needed to be in accordance with national development goals as stated in the Medium-Term National Development Plan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional/ RPJMN) 2020 – 2024. Noting the provision, and also the fact that the opportunities for Indonesia to receive the Grant has been very limited currently due to the economy’s improvement, hence grants must be utilized optimally. It has therefore been administered through a rigorous planning process under the coordination and supervision of Ministry of National Development Planning/The National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), as the main agency responsible for national development planning. The planning process results in an annual planning document for grant projects called List of Planned Grant Projects or Daftar Rencana Kegiatan Hibah (DRKH).