Daftar Rencana Pinjaman Luar Negeri Jangka Menengah (DRPLN-JM) 2011-2014 - Buku I

In order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of external loans utilization and to achieve the development goals as stipulated in the National Medium-Term Development Plan or Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) 2010-2014, the Government of Indonesia compose a List of Medium-Term Planned External Loans or Daftar Rencana Pinjaman Luar Negeri Jangka Menengah (DRPLN-JM) 2011-2014. The DRPLN-JM 2011-2014 is formulated based upon the Government Regulation Number 11/2011 on Procedure for the Procurement of External Loans and Grants, and the Ministerial Decree of National Development Planning/Head of National Development Planning Agency Number 4 year 2011 on Procedures of Planning, Proposing, Assessing, Monitoring and Evaluating of Projects Financed by External Loans and Grants.

List of Medium-Term Planned External Loans and Grants (DRPHLN-JM) 2011-2014 - 1st Book

Substantial funding is needed in order to achieve national development goals and development priorities as stipulated in the National Medium-Term Development Plan or Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) 2010-2014 such as economic growth, improvement of community welfare, fulfillment of basic needs, and provision of infrastructure as well as realization of inclusive and sustainable development. The priority of funding sources comes from domestic sources, public, and private sector. However, due to the limitation of domestic funding, the government will also utilize external funding, among others, through External Loans and/or Grants or Pinjaman dan/atau Hibah Luar Negeri (PHLN).

Petunjuk Pengusulan PHLN 2010-2014

Untuk meningkatkan efektifitas pemanfaatan pinjaman/hibah luar negeri (PHLN), perencanaan kegiatan yang akan dibiayai dengan PHLN dilakukan sesuai mekanisme sebagaimana diatur dalam  Peraturan Pemerintah  Nomor 2/2006 tentang Tata Cara Pengadaan Pinjaman dan/atau Penerimaan Hibah serta Penerusan Pinjaman dan/atau Hibah Luar Negeri dan Peraturan Menteri Negara Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional Nomor PER.005/M.PPN/06/2006 tentang Tata Cara Perencanaan dan Pengajuan Usulan serta Penilaian Kegiatan yang Dibiayai dari Pinjaman dan/atau Hibah Luar Negeri. Berdasarkan peraturan tersebut, Kementerian Negara/Lembaga/Pemerintah Daerah/BUMN dapat mengajukan usulan kegiatan yang akan dibiayai dengan PHLN.  Usulan kegiatan PHLN tersebut selajutnya akan dicantumkan dalam Daftar Rencana Pinjaman dan/atau Hibah Luar Negeri (DRPHLN‐JM) 2010 – 2014.

Download link : Petunjuk Pengusulan PHLN 2010-2014

Panduan penggunaan Aplikasi DIPK 2010-2014 merupakan alat bantu pengguna dalam menggunakan aplikasi DIPK 2010-2014. Diharapkan dengan alat bantu ini pengguna menjadi lebih mengerti akan fungsionalitas dari tiap-tiap bagian dalam Aplikasi DIPK ini. Selain dapat diperoleh melalui cakram digital (CD) yang disebarkan ke masing-masing instansi pengusul, Aplikasi DIPK 2010-2014 ini juga dapat diunduh melalui website Bappenas (http://www.bappenas.go.id).

Download Link : Panduan Penggunaan Aplikasi Data Isian Pengusulan Kegiatan DIPK 2010-2014

Download link : Aplikasi Data Isian Pengusulan Kegiatan DIPK 2010-2014 Ver. 2.2

List of Medium-term Planned External Loans and Grants (DRPHLN-JM) 2006-2009 - 2009 3rd Revision

The Blue Book contains projects that have been proposed by ministries, regional government agencies and state owned enterprises. The compilation of the project proposals is part of national development planning in the context of attaining the targets of the RPJMN (National Medium‐Term Development Plan). Out of the total of project proposals that have been received by the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency, only proposals that have been deemed as eligible for being funded by external loans and/or grants and proposals that are in accordance with the direction of national development, will be entered into the Blue Book.